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Wandering the Wilds: Hello Fall

Hello Rain, swelling rivers, inviting salmon to journey upstream. Hello Salmon, jumping and splashing on your last great adventure. Hello...

Wandering the Wilds: Marvelous May

May arrived and disappeared like an owl, swooping through on silent wings. If you weren’t paying attention, it might seem like it wasn’t...

Becoming a Naturalist - The Beginning

Today I've been thinking about what makes someone a naturalist. It sounds kind of like a fancy, intimidating title, doesn't it? While...

Song of Spring - 50 Precious Words

Song of Spring Dreary skies reflect forlorn feelings. Willow wanders into the drizzle-damp, into the woodland fog, lost in loneliness....

Wandering the Wilds - Liminal Spaces

Pathways, Portals, and Perception A bright blue sky, warmth that promises spring is near. This is time between times, time of transition,...

Wandering the Wilds - Transitions

Light turns to darkness. The long summer days linger no longer. Snow closes out the last days of November, heavy and cold, promising...

Wandering the Wilds - The Pond

Observations from October, 2022 September is usually a beautiful month in Western Washington with treasured days that feel like summer. I...

Finally in the Forest

Shouts ring out on the playground as friends old and new arrive. There’s still smoke in the air from the wildfire, and the misty drizzle...

About Beaches

When you think about beaches... do you think about sand? Or rocks? Or cliffs of shifted land? Or secret spaces, carved into hillsides? Or...

Sky Soil - 50 Precious Words 2022

This writing challenge is to tell a complete story in 50 words or fewer. Thanks so much to Vivian Kirkfield and her helpers, as well as...

Winter Beach Backpacking

I have a deep love of silence and solitude in nature. It makes me feel centered and complete. With a great weather forecast, it was the...

Writing Nature Poetry With Kids

I work with kids from ages 4-16, and often writing is a challenge. I think it's mostly because they have seriously amazing ideas, but...

Why is Old Growth Important?

If you haven't had the pleasure of visiting the northwest coast of North America, you might not know why people are so upset at the...

Fairy Creek

If you aren't from British Columbia, Canada, you might not be familiar with controversy around the logging operation in the Fairy Creek...

Caddisfly Larvae Project

Have you ever heard of a caddisfly? If you've ever gone wading in a stream, you might have spotted their larvae, crawling around,...

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